Living with Class and Leading with Impact

Elevate Don’t Escalate

Unhealthy conflict is a major source of frustration and discontent in the workplace. One-third of employees say it leads to personal attacks with one-in-five saying it causes illness or absence.

Even worse is the fact that nearly 85% of those employees deal with unhealthy conflict for an average of 2.8 hours per week. That represents approximately $359 billion in paid hours each year.


Banish The Word: ‘Just’

In this presentation, Drew offers tips for addressing some of the most common sources of interpersonal conflict between people and teams.

These include a solution-focused approach to problem-solving; how to effectively address the role fear plays in conflict; and a simple trick for avoiding the most frustrating aspects of email communication. Each strategy reinforces the importance of elevating (seeking solutions) over escalating (attempting to win).

If you’ve ever sworn at your computer because of an email or find your fists balling up thinking about a co-worker, this presentation will be ideal for helping to save careers and relationships.

With A Net Promoter Score of


Based on 290+ data points over the past year, this presentation has a net promoter score of 89 with only 0.014% of respondents ranking it 6 or less on a scale of 1-10.

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